Uff... da lama banget gw gak nulis" di blog neh.. Uda agak males.. hahaha...
W kali ne kecewa banget sama mereka.. Tau gak,Neneknya effie meninggal o.. and Gw baru tau hal itu dari baca blognya mereka.. mereka gak kabarin gw klo neneknya effie meninggal,Gw gak tau apa".. and Gw juga merasa gak enak karena gak datang ke pemakamannya nenek effie.. YAng bikin aku palak yah,pas 2 minggu lalu Org yang insialnya "H" tuh telp gw.. mungkin kepencet atau apa lar yah.. Gw telp balek loo.. Trus,dia nanya gw lagi dimana.. Gw bilang lagi di Sun.. Trus dia bilang lagi.. "Lu gak ke tempatnya effie.." ....." eh,u ke sun sama siapa??" trus gw bilang "sama orang sean,dkk.." trus i jawab "Ooo.." trus w nanya lagi.. " tadi u bilang ke tempatnya effie napa?" Trus i jwb " Oh,ga napa" kq.. U da haulien lar yah.. ke sun gak ngajak2"..
BAH BAH dan BAH!!! Dia ngalihin pembicaraan!!!!!!!!!! Gw palak bener ma ne orang.. Setelah gw tau,rupanya nenek effie meninggal.. Gw baru terkejut. Gw Merasa sangat" kecewa.. Fiuh..
Moga" nenek effie tenang di alam sana..
Sorry Effie,karna gw taunya da telat banget.. =)
Happy Birthday Shelly..
Happy Birthday Shelly..
Happy Birthday..
Happy Birthday..
"Happy BiRthDaY ShelLy Tan"
my wiz to Shelly :
-moga" tambah tinggi..
-lebih pendiam..
-lebih pemaaf..wkwk..
hahaha.. =D
DOK!!! ni Covernya.. Aku gak pande pilih.. yg laen pada jelek au. Haiz.. bagus o??
Tulisan di covernya :
Somewhere in Time
Sufficient bliss will obviously make us better,
Temptation will be enough to make us more religious,
Sufficient wealth will make us wiser,
And not all hope can come true;
Those will make us appreciate this life more than before.
Tagged by : Shelly The FROG
1. Real Name : Wesli Jovial
2.Nickname(s) : Wesli,Wes,ajo, Majeng,cicak,jrapah,etc.. so so many.. haha..
3.Age : 17
4.Height : +/- 180
5.Weight : 58 kg (lose 2kg!!!!!!..fiuh..)
6.Spec or contact lens : nope
7.Horoscope : Aries
8.Male or Female : Male
9.Tv or Games : both XD
10.Primary School : Meth -> Sutomo1
11.Secondary School : Sutomo1
12.Poly or Jc : -
13.University : USU
14.Hair colour : black
15.Long or short hair : short o..
16.Loud or Quiet : depends -.-"
17.Sweats or Jeans : Jeans
18.Phone or camera : Phone
19.Health Freak : maybe
20.Drink or smoke : drink"..
21.Have a crush on someone ? : Yap
22.Eat or drink ? : both
23.Piercing(s) : no
24.Tattoos : I want that!!! hahaha...
25.Social or anti-social : social
26.First Relationship : Forgot o..
27.First bestfriend : Franky Japto
48.Wealthy or happiness : happiness
49.Want to get married ? : still not yett
50.Want kids ? : Sure
51.Careers in mind : undecided
52.Fight before ? : yes
53.Most regret of : losing someone
54.Talented in : --
55.Weak in ? : Relationship
56.Romantic or spontaneous ? : Romantic
57.Lip or eyes ? : eyes
58.Nice stomach or nice arms ? : both
59.Shorter or Taller ? : Taller
60.Protective or Caring : both
61.Hook-up or Relationships : relationship
62.Troublemaker or hesitant : hesitant
63.Lost glasses or contacts : no
64.Ran away from home : wanna try.. hahaha
65.Held a gun/knife for self defense : nope
66.Killed somebody : nope
67.Broken someone's heart : yes
68.Been arrested : never
69.Cried when someone died : yes
70.Missed someone a lot a lot : YES!!
71.Believe in Yourself : yes
72.Believe in Miracles : yes
73.Love at first sight : no..
74.Heaven or Hell : heaven but maybe hell.. hahaha..
75.Santa Claus : is coming to town.. xp
76.Cartoon or anime : both
77.Tooth Fairy : nope
78.Kiss in th first date : nope
79.Afraid of death : yes
80.Handsome or cute : --
81.Pretty or cute : --
82.Reality or dream : reality
83.Is there a person you want to be with now ? : nope
84.Are you seriously happy with what you're in life now ? : maybe
85.Do you believe in fate ? : yes
86.Do you believe in everlasting love ? : yes
87.Do you believe in god ? : YES
88.How often do you lie ? : So many times.. haiz..
89.Do you respect elders ? : sometimes no
90.Are you a good kid ? : absolutely not
91.Do you like your family ? : yeah..
92.Do you like your friends ? : OFCOURSE
93.Are you greedy ? : yups.. hehe..
94.What do you want now ? : Friends to Share each other
95.What will you wish for ? : wish my FRIENDS could smile all day =)
96.A truth to first person ? : myself
97.A truth to second person ? : Friends
98.A truth to third person ? : --
99.Do you even trust yourself ? : yes
Hei,Smalem yg wkt telp e.. sengaja aku matiin lo.. takut bertengkar tar.. hehe.. Aku masih mrasa gak enak. Mungkin butuh waktu keq yg lu bilang. Maepin aku.. Huahua...
Besok aku ke pante!!! Mungkin gak bisa enjoy 0o.. Habisnya aku gak gitu deket ma yg pigi.. Maunya sih pigi ma yg deket. Tapi keqnya bakal susah banget au deh.. Haiz..Moga" besok bisa enjoy deh.. Hehe..Nantikan foto" aku besok.. Hahaha...
Aku masih gak bisa tidorrr... Sumone Help Me lar.. Please Help me out From this problem.. Haiz..
I Still Pray For Both of Them..=)